Thursday, July 7, 2011

Correction for Blog on Tuesday, July 19th

Hi Class:

I just wanted to leave you a short reminder.

On your assignment sheet for Tuesday, July 19th, there is a prompt titled: {People I've Met}.

Unfortunately, I mixed up prompts. Please include the prompt {People I've Met} (which really addresses the weather) as an option for Tuesday, July 26.

Then, consider the following two prompts for Tuesday the 19th:
Biogrphy--Portrait week.

[Someone Significant] Create a short biography about someone you know well who is not a family member. Describe their habits, accomplishments, and personality in the style of the essay we read on Albert Einstein.

[First Impressions] Write about the first time you saw someone significant in your life. Often we make first impressions, or initial judgements of people, that turn out to be wrong. Have you ever misjudged someone on first sight? What kind of first impression did you have? Did they seem too pretty or good looking to also be smart? How has your impression changed over time? Think about how you see that person now, and how your first idea of him or her is different from how you think about him or her in the present.

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